There are plenty of reasons why you would need a copy of your marriage certificate. The most common reason why people require a copy of their unabridged marriage certificate these days, include visa applications for immigration and applying for citizenship abroad. 


Marriage certificates are used to establish the validity of a marriage. You can’t apply for a marriage certificate online in South Africa. You need to visit the nearest DHA office to submit an application. However, if you live abroad, there is another solution, which we will talk about later in the article.


While the process of obtaining a marriage certificate in South Africa might sound simple and straightforward, it never is. The filing system at the Department of Home Affairs leaves a lot to be desired, and finding the vault copy (which is required to proceed with the process) is often next to impossible and can take up to two years. 

How to Apply for Marriage Certificates Online?

So, now that we know that applying for a marriage certificate directly through DHA is not an option, where does it leave you? The (only) solution is to use a documents agent like Doc Assist to apply on your behalf. Please note that our services are also available for people who live in South Africa, not just those who live abroad.


The process for applying for an unabridged marriage certificate is fast and easy. You send us all the required details, we apply on your behalf and send the documents to you via DHL upon receipt. There is a fee payable depending on how many copies you require. If you’ve already applied, we can expedite the process. While we can’t pinpoint exactly how long it will take, we can promise you, that you won’t have to wait months or even years. You’ll receive it within weeks.


For more information about obtaining an unabridged or abridged marriage certificate in South Africa, feel free to get in touch with the team at Doc Assist today. 


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