Getting an ID in South Africa without a birth certificate is possible, although it can be a lengthy process.
If you are looking to get a South African ID without a birth certificate, the first step is to apply for a Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). This document is issued by the Department of Home Affairs and is usually granted in cases where a person does not have a birth certificate or other form of identity. To apply for a TIC, applicants need to provide two forms of identity as well as proof of residence.
As mentioned above, applying for an ID without a birth certificate can be challenging. Especially when it’s not that hard to get a copy of your birth certificate. A document agent like DocAssist can help you apply for a copy of your abridged or unabridged birth certificate in no time.
Unabridged Birth Certificate South Africa
If you are looking to get a copy of your birth certificate, DocAssist is the best document agency to use. They have been providing documentation services to South Africans for many years and have an excellent track record of assisting people in obtaining their birth certificates. Their services are fast and reliable and they provide a secure, cost-effective way to get your documents processed. They also have an easy-to-use online portal, where you can upload your documents, track the progress of your application, and pay for your documents securely.
In conclusion, getting an ID in South Africa without a birth certificate is possible, although the process can be lengthy. To get a copy of your birth certificate, DocAssist is the best documents agency to use as they provide a secure and cost-effective way to get your documents processed. For more information, get in touch with DocAssist today.