If you’re wondering how to apply for a South African Police Clearance Certificate, you may also, as a South African, be as used to a tangle of red tape and being send from pillar to post, told to come back the next day and so on, as we’ve all been conditioned to expect.

However, there are easier ways to apply for a police clearance certificate (PCC) today thankfully, but we’ll give you the long and winding route anyway, and then we’ll shed light on the much easier way to apply for a PCC.

One way is to start at the nearest South African Police Station, the other is to take the frustration-free journey by using the Doc Assist Police Clearance Service, which wins hands down, every time.

Let’s first take a look at how important a police clearance certificate is, if you are planning to study or work overseas, immigrate or even apply for employment locally.

It’s impossible to apply for a visa without this vital document, and, in many cases, you won’t be able to apply for certain employment positions without one either today in South Africa.

Your police clearance certificate is issued by the SAPS Criminal Records Centre in Pretoria, once an in-depth background check is done based on your ID or Passport, and your fingerprints.

This certificate will confirm whether or not you have any past criminal records attached to your name, or whether you are in fact wanted by the police in connection with a crime.

You cannot leave South Africa without a clean PCC, however, if you do have a criminal record and you meet the right criteria, you can have your record expunged and then apply for a new PCC, without the criminal record.

How to apply for a South African police clearance certificate

Via your local police station;

You will have to go to your nearest police station to be directed to the person that handles applications for PCC’s. You will need to take 2 copies of your ID or Passport with, as well as your marriage certificate if you want your maiden and married surname on the PCC.

You will then have your fingerprints taken, after which you will fill in your application form, which has to be done very carefully. One mistake and your application could be sent back to you, and the whole process will have to start over.

This will all be put together into a bag, which will only be sent to the Criminal Records Centre in Pretoria once there are sufficient applications in the bag to warrant it being sent off, which could take weeks, depending on how many applications are received at the police station.

Via Doc Assist Police Clearance Services;

Although you still need to have your fingerprints taken at your closest police station, the rest of the process of applying for a PCC via the Doc Assist Police Clearance Services is completely different from then on.

All you need to do is to send your fingerprints, along with 2 copies of your ID or Passport, as well as your marriage certificate if you want your maiden and married surname on the PCC, and information about the country in which you’ll be using the PCC.

Once this is done, Doc Assist will do the rest on your behalf, taking all the frustration out of the entire process of applying for a South African police clearance certificate.

Contact Doc Assist to find out more about how to apply for a PCC or to request a quotation today, this team of professionals will be only too happy to assist you with your queries.


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