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Written by WebMaster on February 18, 2015. Posted in News

By 1 June, all minors (children under 18 years or age) will be required to produce an UNABRIDGED/FULL certificate showing the particulars of both their parents, in addition to their passport, when entering and exiting South Africa by land, sea or air.

Minors travelling with one parent

Along with an unabridged birth certificate, the child will need an affidavit from the absent parent which gives consent for the child to travel. The affidavit should not be older than three months from date of travel.

Alternatively, the child should have with them a court order granting legal guardianship or full parental responsibilities of the child, or a death certificate of the absent parent.

Minors travelling with a person other than a parent or legal guardian

The child should carry an unabridged birth certificate as well as copies of the ID documents or passports of the parents or legal guardians, contact details of the parents or legal guardians and affidavits from both parents or legal guardians confirming that the child may travel with that person.

Minors travelling unaccompanied

Along with an unabridged birth certificate, the child needs to carry proof of consent from both parents or legal guardians and contact details as well as documents from the person receiving the child in South Africa. These documents must include a letter with the person’s contact details, residential address, details about where the child will be residing, as well as a copy of his or her ID documents, passport or residence permit.

Minor with an unabridged birth certificate in another language

Children with passports from other countries will have to present unabridged birth certificates from their respective countries of nationality. If the child’s unabridged birth certificate is not in English it must be accompanied by a sworn translation issued by an authority from their country.

Who is exempt from the new law?

Minors travelling domestically, for example between Cape Town and Durban.

Minors on a ‘Cruise to Nowhere’, for example a cruise that departs from Cape Town Harbour and returns to Cape Town Harbour, or a cruise from Cape Town Harbour to Durban Harbour.

Minors on school tours. A letter from the school’s principal can cover all minors on a school tour.

Why has this new law been introduced?

The South African government introduced these travel regulations as part of its new Immigration Act. The regulations are designed to combat child trafficking issues inter alia.


If you have already applied at a South African Home Affairs office – and require assistance to get the application completed – please email on of my consultants for a quote.

Samantha: quote@docassist.co.za

Claire: admin@docassist.co.za

Norma: quotepta@docassist.co.za


Kind regards

Machelle Munro

Director Doc Assist



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