There are many reasons why you might need to get your hands on your marriage records. You may have lost the original document and want to replace it. Or perhaps you need an unabridged version for visa or citizenship applications. Whatever the reason, applying on your own at the South African Department of Home Affairs should only be considered if you have an unlimited supply of time and patience. It can take months, even years and your patience will be tested to the limit!
Visa applications are typically time-sensitive and waiting months or years for your unabridged marriage certificate isn’t an option. The only other option is to employ an agent like Doc Assist, who can apply on your behalf. We have the resources to move your application swiftly along so you can get your marriage records on time.
Have you already applied directly to DHA, and you are tired of waiting? Doc Assist can also help. We can expedite your existing application, and you can collect it where you applied. And we promise that you won’t have to wait years either!
Where Can I Find Marriage Records in South Africa?
It will depend on your reason for wanting to obtain it and your patience level. It’s easy enough to complete the BI-130 form at your nearest DHA, pay the fee and wait. Make sure to pack a picnic basket and take the day off because going to the Department of Home Affairs is an all-day excursion where you’ll play musical chairs.
In some instances, people have waited two years for unabridged marriage certificates from DHA. This is because the officer that handles your marriage certificate application needs to find the original document stored in the vault at the Pretoria head office before they can issue you with a copy. Let’s just say, there’s no real “filing system” in place, so finding your document might prove to be challenging.
When you use an agent such as Doc Assist, who has the resources and contacts to expedite the process, you won’t have to worry about anything. We apply on your behalf, once completed, we collect and DHL it back to you. It’s as simple as that! All we need from you is the following:
- 13 digit SA ID numbers for both parties
- Dates of birth for both parties
- Date of marriage
There’s simply no reason for you to wait two years for something that can take a few weeks. It might cost less to DIY your application, but you might lose your sanity in the process. For more information or to get the ball rolling, get in touch with Doc Assist today!